Olja Tswarra

OHL-Ya • The Ecdysiast • Former Spy

What does one do after their vengeance has been secured? After a long, arduous, and wearying journey across the world, a grieving mother was finally able to put her daughter's memory to rest among the ashes of Garlemald. Her quest had turned her from an unassuming tribal member into a devastatingly alluring killer, a well-honed blade that used men's desires against them. She cared not for the bodies and broken dreams she left in her wake. As long as her vengeance was within sight, no price was too high. Now, at the end of it all, she feels the past beginning to catch up with her, and the story of her life proceeding into yet unknown territory...

First Impressions

Race: Veena Viera
Age: Around 130 years
Height: 6'1"
Nameday: 20th sun of the 2nd Umbral Moon
Relationship Status: Single
Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual
Patron Deity: Nymeia
Hometown: Tswarra Village, deep in the Skatay Range
Current Residence(s): Gridania and Ishgard
Likes: Cooking, Gardening, Spicy Food, Forests, Dead Garleans
Dislikes: Kugane, Kobolds, Big Egos, Garleans
Asked to describe the viera woman, most people would point to her red hair (or perhaps blonde, as she's known to dye it), her emerald green eyes, and her fair skin. She seems to be on the tall side even for a viera, and carries herself with the grace and good posture of a dancer or acrobat. The rest, however, is dependent upon when and where they meet her. One can either see her when she's performing, where she's all smiles and charm, or when she's not, where she's distant and standoffish.Her wardrobe changes as well with what she's doing, but she can always be found with a flower of some sort in her hair, usually a dahlia or an oldrose. For dancing she favors brighter colors and sports jewelry and other baubles. While off the stage she prefers darker colors, but still retains her penchant for understated yet sophisticated finery.Should one look closely enough, they might also spy a pair of retractable chakrams on her person, hinting at her true profession.

Rp Hooks

  • If your character has ever worked in Kugane's criminal underbelly, you may know of her...

  • If you lived or worked in Thavnair for any length of time you also may know of her...

  • Members of the Order of the Twin Adder and the Temple Knights of Ishgard sometimes get some extra help from this adventurer when a call for mercenaries is put out.

  • Citizens of Gridania and Ishgard both have had the chance to see the viera dancer perform in various festivals and taverns.

  • Other Veena Viera will be able to relate to her a lot considering their shared homeland.

  • If you were involved in the war effort against Garlemald, you may have known about a viera with a grudge who was willing to work.

Known Contacts

Dhini Lundi: A kind, exubrant young Keeper girl who I met in a previous free company. We've managed to keep in touch ever since, and she's proven to be a steadfast ally with a heart of gold. While she can be a bit naive and scatterbrained, I attribute that to her youth. I know in time she'll age into a wise, clever adventurer.

Leofen Terronar: An Ishgardian nobleman's ward currently in the process of mending a bad reputation with his peerage. Owner of the free company Olja claims membership of, the former rapscallion and roughneck trades barbs and winks with her in equal measure. In another life he could have been the perfect tool, a blunt weapon to manipulate to her ends. As it stands, though, she appreciates him for his willingness to lead and all the amusing ambiguity he brings to their relationship.

Alun Moks: A bit of a mystery woman and Leofen's right hand woman. Despite her short stature she possesses a very distinct presence that commands respect and admiration, perhaps due to her extensive knowledge of aetherology, engineering, and other scientific topics. Some within the company say that while Leofen's intimidating presence belies a generally easygoing attitude, Alun's temper is what one truly has to fear.


Below you will find some tunes that accurately accompany Olja's dancing style as well as some tracks that represent some points of her backstory.

Roxane's DanceVangelisWatch
DarksideLindsey StirlingWatch
Que No Salga La LunaRosalíaWatch
VerdialesMarco MarinWatch
The SunlandsYasunori IshikiWatch


Hey! Here's some quick ooc information about how to contact me and a small blurb about my availability and what I'm looking for in RP:Timezone: EST
In-game Name: Olja Tswarra
Discord: BrillRaven#1247
As for availability I can be on most evenings but due to a full time job and grad school it can be hard to do things spontaneously. Because of this, scheduling RP in advance is vastly preferred. I'm interested in most forms of RP, but prefer to plot things out beforehand on discord or otherwise. I also would prefer my RP partners to be 18 or over, and that any rp we do have be compliant with the lore of the game.Feel free to message me with any rp ideas you may have, I'd love to hear them!